Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Yesterday was a pedagogic day and Mew's school organized a trip to the Club de trampoline acrosport Barani. 

It was a heavily rainy and windy day and my hubbie had to take her by bike to the school to catch the school bus in early morning. Quel temps de chien! Luckily that it was not an outdoor activity day so the kids did not have to suffer from the bad weather. Mew did not want to go at first (she always just wants to stay at home with us whenever she has a day-off) but we encouraged her to participate in collective activities with other kids to improve her social and French skills. It turned out a great success as Mew enjoyed the trip very much. So did her classmates! They had a lot of fun climbing, jumping, running, sliding, etc. and Mew told us non-stop about her day.

Later in the evening, we came to the Quay of Old Port to watch TOTEM - the latest touring show of the Cirque du Soleil. Totem's theme concerns the evolution of mankind from its primordial, amphibian state toward his ultimate desire to fly. The show is inspired by many of mankind's founding myths and is recreated through visually stunning acrobatics and state-of-the-art performance technology.

For a video preview of this show, follows this official link.
It was a wonderful night with unbelievable acts by talented performers of the world famous circus group, from aboriginal hoop dancer to acrobats jumping on planks, performers on Russian bar, trapezing performers, etc. with the marvelous image effect by videos and movable stage. The Big Top Tent where the show was presented was full of audience and the quality of 2-hour show was undoubtedly worth the money. We were also lucky to grasp the chance to buy the promo tickets at 50% discount in advance, hence the show was affordable for our budget. This was Mew's first time of watching directly a circus show and we were glad that she could admire at a world-class quality show of acrobatics and imagery as such. 

It's no wonder that its theatrical, character-driven approach and the absence of performing animals helped define Cirque du Soleil as the world brand in the contemporary circus today. And we were so pleased to be one of their spectators last night despite the falling snow and rain trouble.

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