Mommy could not resist her tears when seeing you crying in the webcam tonight just because you missed Mommy. We have been together every day for the past 4 years and now it was the first time ever you were away from Mommy. Even though Daddy and your sister and our big family are around you, you still want your Mommy. I wish I could just fly there with you right away, to hug you, to kiss you, to see your smile, just like every day. But I couldn`t. My heart sank when seeing your tears, when hearing your cries but at the same time I felt the treasure of being a mother: to be always there for your kids, to love them unconditionally and to be missed when you are away. My little baby, don`t cry. Mommy will be coming home soon. It`s really hard to explain "how soon" to you, but Mommy hopes that time will fly and you will be again in Mommy's arms in the very near future. Love you with all my heart!