32 Weeks Pregnant
A little boy is wonderful
A very special part
Of all the hopes, dreams and plans
We cherish in our hearts
A baby is a gift of life
Born of the wonder of love,
A little bit of eternity
Sent from the Lord above,
Giving a new dimension
To the love between husband and wife
And putting an added new meaning
To the wonder and mystery of life.
Born of the wonder of love,
A little bit of eternity
Sent from the Lord above,
Giving a new dimension
To the love between husband and wife
And putting an added new meaning
To the wonder and mystery of life.
What’s it like to be a bee?",
My little son asked of me,
"What’s it like to fly up there,
Through the warm summer air?"
"Well!" I answered, thoughtfully.
The little chap waited, hopefully,
"It’s cool and fresh and very nice,
But they must return, in a thrice."
"You see, little bees have no time,
On their way to the lime,
To enjoy the view or take a rest
They have to do their very best".
"But why Mam - Don’t they play?,
Enjoying the sun this lovely day",
His little face looked very sad,
It made my heart feel really bad.
"Well son, bees make lots of honey,
But only when it’s warm and sunny,
They need enough for them ‘n us,
To eat in winter, without a fuss.".
"If I were a Bee" said my boy
"I’d fly all day so full of joy,
Buzz about ‘n play with friends
Visit flowers on river bends".
How could I explain to my boy
That honey bees know no toy.
They’re born to work, not to play
Never "hide ‘n seek" in hay.
"Mam!! I’m very hungry, Mam,
Can I have some bread ‘n jam?,
I’d like some honey thick ‘n plenty
But MAM - the honey pot is empty"
"And that is why, my little man,
Bees must work, hard as they can,
To feed the hive, and fill our pot
It’s very good of them, - is it not?"
(Rusty Wise - "A Little Book of Bee Poems")
"Babies are always more trouble than you thought--and more wonderful."(Charles Osgood)
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