Saturday, August 7, 2010


Our little artist decided to draw a portrait for her Mommy. She sat by me and silently watched me working on the computer. Sometimes she asked me "Ne bouge pas, Mama!". I did not pay a tiny attention to her work, thinking simply that she was just playing with drawing as usual.

But it turned out not this time! Amazingly, she made a real portrait of me, with even my hair clip, my pyjamas and the stuffs on my working table. It is very impressive, fantastic and well, I have to honestly admit, I was speechless when seeing the drawing (haha, I never have any idea of what I do really look like now without her work of art). Here it is, my portrait drawn by my little angel:

Then I asked her to draw her own portrait and her Daddy's portrait as well. Mew spent about half an hour sitting in front of the mirror to draw herself. And she came out of her room with this beautiful portrait:

My daughter, she is so cuuuuteeee, isn't she?

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